Sunday 28 October 2012


This is a modeled LIGHT BULB HOLDER I did today, I felt I should give into production engineering today(actually I studied mechanical and production engineering in school).
I bought one of these to replace the faulty one in my house and suddenly I saw myself taking dimension of the piece and before I could say Jack Robinsons, I jumped on top of my machine with thirst of an hungry lion to modeled this,

Friday 26 October 2012


Today am going to blog a design I did last night. Though, little bit time and energy consuming, but I think the money worth the efforts. Lol.
So, basically I got a request from a client (Indian) with a pre-conceived style in mind and we worked with it. At point I wade in to let him know that his design is a little bit of fourth generation. With his node, I redesigned the building and added some concept which I felt was a mid way between his concept and what I thought it should look like, and finally I arrived at something he liked.(I don’t blog designs without the agreement of the owners, because of copyright issues may later come into play, and of course clients privacy must be protected).

Back to the building, from the simple plan design above, you could easily see the modest 2-bedroom apartments respectively. The roofing system was made like this for future use (when the needs of doing that  arises). The usual design was done using Rhinoceros CAD and then exported to 3Dmax using the (.3ds) file formats for onward simulation of the realistic environment. The rendering was done using Mental Ray rendering engine with sky-light, Omni light. Final gather and global illumination was set on and preset to “draft” to reduce the rending time (owning to my computer specification).

The outputted image was then fine tuned using adobe creative suite 5 CS5. You could see different finishing of the same building; this in one of the advantage of computer aided design, you could have options to choose without additional cost.  

Before you embarked on any house (building or structural design, you should at least understand the basics fundamentals in  design of structural members, material properties, especially different standards of concrete design). Design optimization could also come handy, because there is no room for “over-design’ or “under-design”, which often leads to waste of money or lost of life.